By Charlotte Brogden 
Deep inside the
Decepticon underwater base on Earth, Megatron outlined his new plan to
his troops. "And so you all agree with me then? We replace Starscream,
the most treacherous Transformer that ever sucked energon, with the loyal
drones I've been creating?" In response a mighty cheer came from the assembled
was up on his feet in a moment. "You'd never DARE replace me with a bunch
of mindless drones!" he shrieked.
"Drones do
exactly what they're told," snapped Megatron. "All the Decepticons on Earth
are sick of you doing your own thing and endangering the rest of us. You
can go back to Cyberiron and get in Shockwave's way for a change. Now if
we can get back to discussing more important matters...."
stormed out of the meeting beside himself with rage. "So Megatron thinks
he can replace me with a bunch of stupid, mindless drones? Me, Starscream,
the pride of the Decepticon Academy and the best air warrior he's got?
Well he's going to regret even thinking about it!"
stomped through the underwater base until he entered the landing bay. All
five drones were standing there, still as statues. They were Seeker jets
coloured red and they resembled Starscream, but their blank, white eyes
betrayed their mindlessness.
looked at them with contempt. "I'm worth more than all of you put together,"
he sneered. "So Megatron likes subordinates who always do what they're
told? Stand like this." Starscream struck a silly pose and all the drones
copied him. Slowly an idea dawned on Starscream. "When you're standing
like that, you remind me of a human game I once saw our so-called Robot-Master,
Donny Finkleberg, playing. That gives me an idea...." Starscream began
to giggle, "I'm not just the most handsome Decepticon, I'm the most cosmopolitan
too! What do you think about that?"
The drones
stared blankly at him. "Oh never mind." muttered Starscream. He flicked
the switch that raised the underwater base's landing pad. "Drones, transform
and follow me."
led the drones to a towering cliff not far away from the base. They landed
close to the edge. Starscream turned to the drones. "I'd better play my
'game' now, before the other Decepticons notice we're missing. Drone One.
Stand on one leg with your arms straight out. Now jump!"
Drone One
peered down at the wreckage of Drone One and thought hard. "Drone Two.
Stand with your legs together and your arms straight out and jump!"
Drone Two
Again Starscream
looked down and thought. "Drone Three. Move to the right a little and keep
your arms and legs together. Now jump!"
Drone Three
considered the resulting rubble below. "Drone Four. Stand on one leg and
move a little to your left. Now jump!"
Drone Four
peered down into the abyss but his concentration was broken when he noticed
Megatron in the distance, flying towards him as fast as he could go. "Drone
Five," said Starscream hastily, "Tuck yourself into a ball and jump!"
The last drone
jumped just before Megatron arrived. Megatron glared down at the wreckage
of his drones. He was almost speechless with rage. "STARSCREAM, WHAT IN
PRIMUS'S NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" he managed to choke out.
"Playing Tetris."
smirked Starscream.
(author's e-mail: cbrogden@sO54.
aone. net. au)
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