Transformer MadLib


First print out this page and fill in the blanks with appropriate words of your own choosing.
Then place them in the numbered blanks within the text on the next page.
When you're finished, read the story - aloud, if you dare! E-mail your version to me (Starshadow)
and I will publish a composite version
using a selection of the best answers I receive.
Be creative!!!
1.) adjective ____________                                                 15.) name of Autobot ____________

2.) adverb _____________                                                  16.) noun _____________
3.) warning ____________                                                   17.) verb _____________

4.) emotion ____________                                                   18.) place (cartoon or real) ________

5.) name of Autobot _________                                            19.) verb (past tense) __________

6.) adjective ____________                                                  20.) noun ____________
7.) direction ___________                                                     21.) verb (present tense)__________

8.) place (cartoon or real) __________                                   22.) number ____________

9.) name of Autobot _________                                             23.) verb ____________

10.) name of Autobot __________                                         24.) name of Autobot ____________

11.) verb ___________                                                         25.) part of body _____________
12.) number ____________                                                   26.) noun ______________
13.) verb _____________                                                      27.) emotion ______________
14.) part of body (plural) ____________                                 28.) famous Autobot saying _______

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