Okay, so the The Lair's new makeover isn't QUITE done yet. There has been a slight delay in plans. (In other words, I've got too much stuff going on at the same time... as usual. JEEZE I HATE being leader sometimes! ;-j) Don't worry, though! It will happen soon!!
NOTICE: Hey everybody! Starshadow's talking, so LISTEN UP! ;-) The Lair will be undergoing a MAJOR renovation sometime between December 16th, 1999 and January 10th, 2000, so be prepared to be locked out of the inner sanctum from time to time. When we return full force, however; I think you will like what you see. Our corridors will be easier to navigate, our storage bays will be more organized, and there will be a few new dens to explore. :-j Thanks for your patience!!*****
Greetings!! I am Starshadow, the leader of the Wolf Pack.
I would personally like to thank you for stopping by to visit us today!
You are welcome here.....as long as you abide by the Pack's rules.
What exactly are our rules, you ask? Well, they're very simple, actually.
First of all, you must be a Decepticon or a Decepticon sympathizer.
Not a loyal or "orthodox" one, necessarily, but you must
believe in the Decepticon cause. Secondly, you must NOT consider
yourself an enemy of Starscream. We consider him one of the Pack,
and I personally have great admiration for him. And last but not
least, we ask that you respect any and all opinions expressed here.
If you fail to do so, please keep in mind that we are Renegade Decepticons
and have had to come up with some ingenious ways to improvise our weaponry
and tactics over the cycles. Death does not always come quickly.
Have a nice day!!
Well, first off I have to have a bit here about myself and the Pack, so here it is!The Official BotCon '99 Art Contest/Auction Results Page!
UPDATE 8/24/99! Yes, it's FINALLY here! The official list of winners from the BotCon '99 Art Contest has arrived. There are no pics, (and the reason for this is explained on the page, if you don't already know) so don't get TOO excited, but if you want to know who won, this is the place to go!
More interactive content! Voice your opinion! Take my new Quizlet here!!
Starshadow's profile. Need I say more?
Starshadow's pic. by me.
Spitfire's profile. Who's Spitfire, you ask? Only one of my best buds in the whole universe!! Now you can visit her in her quarters of The Lair at her link under my "TF Links" towards the bottom of this page!
Spitfire's pic. An excellent illo of Spitfire by...well, Spitfire!
Electrofox's profile. Spitfire's little buddy!
Electrofox's pics. by Spitfire.
A pic of Wolfsbane. My trusty sidekick--by me.
Coming Soon Pics of Starshadow in her alternate forms and combined with Wolfsbane.Fanfics
"Blood Alliance" Part One. A fanfic about Starshadow and the Pack by me. This file is .Zipped, and the document itself is in Rich Text Format. If this is not compatible with your system, please e-mail me for an alternate format.
"Blood Alliance" Part Two, 'Memories Past'. This file is also .Zipped and in RTF.
"Star Of Madness." An older fanfic I did about Starshadow and the Pack w/Starscream. It's a little bit on the "mushy" side, as it was written during my more "sentimental" phase. ;-) .Zip and RTF.
"Traitor's Grave." An excellent fanfic about Spitfire by Spitfire. .Zip and RTF.
"Sweet Dreams." By Xavier Gates ([email protected]) This outstanding militant mini-fic was e-mailed to me recently. I am told by the author that there will be more installments to come in the near future. (WARNING: This fanfic contains language that may be unsuitable for younger or more sensitive readers!!)
"Starscream and the Drones" By Charlotte Brogden. One of my favorite humorous mini-fics!
Transformers MadLib By Karyn Schmaling. Remember how to do a madlib? Well here's one with a TF twist!
Another Transformers MadLib! Yet another madlib courtesy of Karyn. Enjoy!
Coming Soon Part Three of "Blood Alliance" (subtitled 'Dark Designs'), as well as a new screenplay-style fanfic by me tentatively entitled "Dark Star".BotCon
BotCon Images Page! Visit my image page, where you can find pics I have taken at the various BotCons. (currently has images from only BotCon '95 and '96)
The Official BotCon '99 Art Contest/Auction Results Page. My info page, just in case you missed the huge link above. ;-)
Starscream's Quarters
Click this image to hear Lord Starscream!
Coming Soon FanArt of and with Starscream, including some pics done by yours truly!Images of Starscream from the U.S. cartoon. This page contains various images of Starscream taken from different episodes of the American cartoon.
Starscream in the comics. Images of Starscream from both the U.S. and U.K. comics and Annuals.
Images of Starscream from the Japanese "BWII" cartoon! Interested?
Starscream's Pretender Box Art. This is the main pic from the box of the Starscream Pretender toy.
Starscream's Action Master Box Art. This is the main pic from the box of the Starscream Action Master toy.
Starscream's G2 Box Art. This is the main pic from the box of the Starscream G2 toy.
Some awesome custom Starscream figures. done by my good friend The Weeter. Check these out!
My Tattoos! 1 of 2. Yes, I DO have Starscream's image permanently carved into my body. TWICE, actually!! (These images are just slightly distorted. For some reason I can't seem to get a perfectly clear pic of them. Oh well.)
My Tattoos! 2 of 2. My other tattoo. You may notice that a couple of the areas on Starscream are miscolored. That's what I get for not watching the artist while he was applying the color. (Don't worry, he's in the process of correcting it!)
Starscream's Desktop Theme! Here's a neat little tidbit for your computer. Download this theme and customize your Windows desktop with lots of little Starscream-related goodies! (This link will connect you with a sight independent of this one, so I am not responsible if it is down or otherwise malfunctioning!)
Other TF-Related "Stuff" ;-)
A partial TF:TM 'original' script. This was sent to me recently and includes info for ordering the entire thing from the owner, if you're interested. It is supposed to be the official first draft of the screenplay for the Movie. Some VERY interesting reading! (It is .Zipped.)
The Hartman's G2 Protectobots. Well, at least some of them!
A custom-made Matrix that fits into the G1 Prime figure. I believe this came from one of the BotCons I didn't get to attend, so it will probably end up on my BC images page some day.
Weets kitbash of Ratchet and Ironhide, along with a blue-painted Bluestreak. Ratchet and Ironhide with real heads!
Weets kitbash of a BatJet (Batman) into a TF.
Weets Machine Wars Skyfire. Kitbash!
MW Skyfire in jet form.
Weets BW Transmetal Grimlock! Kitbash. Okay, so this is Beast Wars, but until my BW site is up it will stay here.
Another view of the BW TM Grimlock.
My Favorite Links!
The following links are to other websites that I find informative or that I just plain like. Please keep in mind that these sites are owned by other webmasters and any problems should be reported to them. (unless you own one of the links below and would like to update it) Enjoy!Transformers Sites
HasbroCollectors.com. Click here to get to Hasbro's collectors page, where you can peruse the latest news on the company, buy online exclusives, or link directly to their Beast Wars page!
CDNow. Looking for the TF: The Movie Soundtrack? You'll find it here!!
VideoFlicks.com. Looking for the re-released TF: The Movie video, episode tapes, and currently available Beast Wars episodes on tape? (Canadian) Go here!
eBay. Go to eBay, one of the Internet's best online trading communities, to bid on mind-boggling amounts of TF and Beast Wars merchandise being auctioned off every day.
The Hartman Transformer Page. The TF homepage of Jon and Karl Hartman, the founders of BotCon. You can link to their BotCon page from there.
BIGBOT.COM A HUGE Transformers/Beast Wars site with info/news and links on just about anything TF-related you can think of.
Takara Japan Page. You need to have a browser that can view Japanese (and of course be able to read Japanese) to get anything out of this page, but if you're curious.........
Dave's Beast Wars Transformers Page. An excellent source of info on current BW happenings, nicely condensed and organized.
Spitfire's Domain. Travel to Spitfire's corner of The Lair, built and maintained by her. As second-in-command of the Wolf Pack and my best friend, her site is a can't-miss!!
The Shrine To Starscream. Need I say more? ;-)
Lord Starscream's Domain. View the Decepticon Handbook, check out the Datafiles, and become an Ally!
Raksha's Page. Enter the Serpent's Lair, if you dare!!
The Weeter's Home Page. Yes, he has his own page! Not a lot of content there just yet, but I'm sure that will change!
Weets OTHER Home Page! Well, I just found out he has two pages, so here's the other one. This one is also light on content for right now.
Killashandra's & Rhowell's Hideout. Home of a new Starscream fanzine coming out soon, check out the rules for submission guidelines!
Razormoon's Grin-At-Starscream. A great site with lots of truly EXCELLENT fanart!
Peace Through Tyranny. Come join the Decepticon fanclub!!
Non-TF (Other) Sites You mean there's another kind?! ;-D
The Jones Homepage! RL homepage of Spitfire, click on "Alex&Corinne's Room" to access her cool digital images!
ChiGirl's Homepage. My sister's homepage! (my fleshling sister, that is)
Altered Images Tattoo Home Page. Check this out! It's the home page of the tattoo parlor where I had my tatts done!
The Illinois Institute of Art. My college, where I am going starting this April to learn the fine art of Computer Animation! (look for some of my work to show up here in the future!!)
Wolf Park Home Page. True to my other passion, wolves, here is a link to an unusual reserve that I make a point of trying to visit at least twice a year. There's nothing like actually getting to touch a wolf in person.
U.S. Dept. of Ed.- FAFSA on the Web. Here's a handy link for all of you who need to reapply (or just apply) for your Federal Student Aid! Do it online! ;-)
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